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5 Things Marketing Execs Look for in New Hires

Chuck Trierweiler
By Chuck Trierweiler
Cathy Leaning
By Cathy Leaning

We asked Chuck Trierweiler, UMGC CMO and senior vice president of Admissions and Cathy Leaning, associate vice president of Brand Marketing Communications, to share with us five things they look for in new marketing hires. This is what we learned.  

Leaning: The No. 1 thing I look for is creativity. Do they have a history of solving problems and storytelling in a unique and different way? Most Americans are exposed to up to 10,000 ads each day. If the message doesn’t break through the noise and resonate in a meaningful way, consumers will tune out.

Trierweiler: I completely agree and it’s the creativity that most consumers notice.  However, they would be surprised to know just how much science informs that creativity. The most successful marketing starts with a deep and rich understanding of the consumer and how the product fits into their lives, including how it will meet their functional and emotional needs. That knowledge comes from formal research, analytics and a wealth of other concrete and data-driven sources, that can also inform product and service development.

Leaning: I like to see smart strategic thinking in a marketing hire. Have they innovated? Do they question accepted practices, and do they have the courage to challenge them? Do they find opportunities where others find problems? Good marketing is often about finding new and better ways of doing things. Sometimes that requires risk.

Trierweiler: Strategy is a necessary skill. So is a solid understanding of the tactics and interpersonal skills required to operationalize that strategy. Marketers very often lead cross-functional teams to achieve goals in complex environments. The best ideas are meaningless without efficient, thoughtful implementation and the ability to build relationships in the process. The very best marketers have high emotional intelligence and the ability to understand what other people think and feel.

Leaning: The last quality I’ll mention is the ability to thrive in a dynamic, sometimes unpredictable environment. Every day presents an opportunity to view things from a fresh perspective. Ever-evolving consumer behavior driven by advancements in technology constantly impacts how we reach and speak with consumers. A top marketing candidate sees the opportunities in those developments.

Trierweiler: So, I guess what we’re saying is successful marketers are not cliché or easy to pigeonhole. They are creative thinkers who enjoy looking at situations from a variety of angles.  

Leaning: 100% agree. It’s a challenging role, but it’s never boring! I’m grateful every day to be in a dynamic environment surrounded by talented and passionate people like those we’ve just described.   

If you are looking for your next marketing role or want to advance in your career, UMGC’s undergraduate marketing degree and graduate marketing degree are designed to help you compete in this area with valuable skills that can be applied in any work environment. Current students and alumni can also take advantage of our lifetime career services to get help crafting compelling cover letters and resumes and honing their interviewing skills.

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