Policy Category | Policy Owner | Version Effective Date | Review Cycle | Policy Contact |
VIII Fiscal and Business Affairs   | SVP & CAO | 11-Jan-23 | Every 2 years | residency@umgc.edu |
Procedures for Student Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition and Charge-Differential Purposes
These Procedures implement  ("the USM Policy"), amended by the Board of Regents on June 17, 2022.
Initial Determination
An initial determination of in-state status will be made by UMGC at the time a student's application for admission is under consideration by the admissions staff. If the student does not provide all information necessary for an initial residency determination, or the information given is inconsistent, ambiguous, or otherwise questionable, the student will be assigned out-of-state status. The determination made at that time, and any determination made thereafter, shall prevail for each term until the determination is successfully challenged within the time frames and procedures described in this Policy. If a student inadvertently is misclassified as a Maryland resident, the student will be billed at the out-of-state rate for all subsequent terms once the error is discovered.
Students must meet the criteria provided in Section II of the USM Policy to be eligible for in-state status. Additional information about some of those criteria follows:
*formerly Policy 210.20